Gnaoua Festival Tour

Date de la dernière modification: 09-05-2017

Après deux ans d’absence due à la pandémie, et puisque les conditions actuelles ne permettent toujours pas l’organisation de la 23e édition, le Festival, fidèle à son esprit si singulier, se réinvente une fois encore et devient le Gnaoua Festival Tour.

Une caravane musicale sillonne le Maroc durant tout le mois de juin pour aller à la rencontre de son fidèle public à Essaouira, Marrakech, Casablanca et Rabat. 4 escales pour cette caravane multi-culturelle aux couleurs du Festival : des concerts de tagnaouite la plus pure et des fusions toujours plus audacieuses.

Plus de 150 artistes, venus de près de 15 pays, donnent libre cours à leur talent et viennent partager avec le public leur passion de la musique, sans frontière, pour recréer la magie du Festival lors de 30 concerts inédits.

Une invitation au voyage, à la communion, et l’occasion de célébrer dans la joie l’inscription de l’art Gnaoua au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité de l’Unesco.


The use of this application implies the acceptance of the general terms and conditions found below and the compliance with all applicable laws.

Information you choose to give us

When you interact with our services, we collect the information that you choose to share with us. For example, most of our services require you to set up a basic Gnaoua Festival Tour account, so we need to collect a few important details about you, such as: a unique username you’d like to go by, a password, an email address, a phone number, and your date of birth,etc…It probably goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway: When you contact support or communicate with us in any other way, we’ll collect the informations that you choose to share with us.

Information we get when you use our services

When visiting this application, you are likely to provide us with a number of personal data about you to respond to your requests for information and to better know your expectations, as well as to take advantage of the services offered by this application. This data is kept confidential and is intended exclusively for Gnaoua Festival Tour teams for analysis, investigation and business purposes.

Log data

This application uses Google Analytics, an analytics service provided by Google Inc. Data about your use will be transmitted to and stored by Google anonymously. Google will use this information to evaluate your use and compile reports on the activity for Smarteez Morocco. By using this application, you consent to the processing of data by Google.  

Limitations of Liability

The information and recommendations (Information) available on this application are offered in good faith. This Information is believed to be correct on the time you read it. However, Gnaoua Festival Tour is neither representative nor guarantee the completeness and accuracy of this information. Gnaoua Festival Tour does not commit to updating or correcting information distributed on this application, as well, Gnaoua Festival Tour reserves the right to modify or correct the content at any time without notice.  

Changes to this privacy policy

Gnaoua Festival Tour may update these terms and conditions at any time. Consequently, you are invited to refer regularly to the latest conditions of use of the application in force. These general conditions of application are subject to Moroccan law and fall within the jurisdiction of the competent Moroccan courts.

Intellectual property and copyright

All information or documents contained in the application as well as all elements created for the application are either the property of Gnaoua Festival Tour or are subject to copyright. Such information, documents or elements are subject to the laws protecting copyright when they are made available to the public on this application. Copies of documents contained on this application may be made for information purposes and exclusively for strictly private use. No license or any right other than to consult the application, is granted to anyone with regard to intellectual property rights. The reproduction of documents in the application is authorized  solely for information purposes for personal and private use: any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes is strictly prohibited and subject to the prior express authorization of Gnaoua Festival Tour.  

Third-Party Content and Integrations

The services may also contain third-party links and search results, include third-party integrations.